
sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2016

La métropole de Lewis Bush

Le jeune photographe britannique Lewis Bush montre sa vision dystopique du développement urbain forcené de Londres en réalisant ces images sombres en noir et blanc avec des mises au point décalées et des expositions multiples.

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The ‘metropole’ was a term once used to describe London in its relationship with the British Empire, a relationship hierarchical and unequal, with power radiating out from the metropolitan centre, and the resources of the dominions radiating back in return. This empire has long since collapsed, but it’s demise has in turn given rise to a new global power, that of global capital, which too has centred itself in old imperial capital, and which has set about transforming it utterly.
A composite of numerous night time walks through the city, Metropole records the effectof this capital influx on London by documenting its numerous new corporate
high rises and luxury residential blocks as they are constructed and occupied. As the series progresses these structures becomes increasingly disorientating and threatening, obliterating scale, perspective and orientation, and emulating the sensation I now feel of being a stranger lost which in a city I once considered home.
Between December 3rd 2015 until January 22nd 2016, Metropole was on display at The Sir John Cass faculty of Art, Architecture and Design in Whitechapel, London

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